Fleeing for Safety
During the month of September, Sunshine aggressed towards family and property 24 times. (That doesn't count individual punches, hits, kicks, and bites, or how many bricks she threw at me. This just counts episodes.)
The doctor and intensive in-home therapist made the decision Sunshine had to leave, after we had to call the police to our home yet again due to Sunshine's assaults.
I remember the phone call with the doctor specifically.
"I'm so sorry. This is Reactive Attachment Disorder."
We made the necessary calls thinking Sunshine would be in treatment in no time.
Boy, were we wrong.
It had been a month since the decision was made to readmit Sunshine, and still there was no movement in regards to where she was going and if funding was approved.
We thought we could wait it out.
We were told the process would take about two weeks.
But what no one accounted for was just how many residential treatment centers (RTCs) would turn Sunshine's case down because of it's severity.
We had hoped Sunshine wouldn't continue to spiral downward.
My husband and I had followed safety protocols to perfection. Our other three kids stayed safe.
Sure we were sore and exhausted, but we thought we could handle things.
After all, it was only temporary.
If we just waited a little longer, Sunshine would be accepted to an RTC and all would be okay.
That was the case until Monday, October 19th, when Sunshine became homicidal with a plan to kill her oldest brother and me, her mother.
We had heard the threats on me before.
They were normal these days.
But we'd never heard her single out a sibling. Nor had she ever had a detailed plan.
In typical circumstances we would have taken Sunshine straight to the emergency room and had her admitted to a pediatric psychiatric ward.
But these weren't usual circumstances.
Sunshine had already been admitted to the psych ward twice in the past year. From there she had been sent to an RTC.
Pediatric psychiatric ward placements are very temporary. They last days, not weeks.
We needed a plan that would work until she was admitted to another RTC.
A pediatric psychiatric ward wasn't the answer.
Besides, this was during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Our doctor had said, whatever we did, don't take Sunshine to the ER and have her admitted to a pediatric psychiatric ward. The process towards admission to an RTC would take weeks longer.
My husband and I discussed our options with our intensive in-home therapist. She knew Sunshine and she knew us.
When the therapist said Sunshine wasn't safe or okay to be around her siblings, we listened.
At this time the county was also involved. We were in the process of obtaining funding for an RTC placement. A case worker was being assigned to us to help with placement.
If any of our children were harmed by Sunshine, the responsibility would fall on my husband and I.
So we did the only thing we could do.
The Plan for Sunshine
Where To Go with the Other Kids
We live in the middle of nowhere. There is absolutely nothing to do. If my kids were being forced from their home and everything they love, we needed things to do.
My husband and I had no idea how long the four of us would be gone. We were just starting to receive word that some RTCs had three month wait lists.
There was no way we could sign a contract for an apartment. We didn't have funds to pay for it, or to furnish it.
So we went with a place the kids knew and loved.
It was a place we could pay for daily if necessary, as I worked feverishly to earn the money we needed to make all of this happen.
I left home with three kids, my gas tank full, with only $375 in my bank account.

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