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The Montessori Silence Game

The Montessori Silence Game is a fabulous way to help kiddos learn about self regulation.  

It helps develop concentration and self-discipline.  

Kiddos also learn the value of silence as they participate in the game, which can be a great thing in this busy world we live in.

The Montessori Silence Game is very simple and can be played at home, school, or outdoors.  

There are many variations that you can try out.  

The Montessori Silence Game

The Montessori Silence Game

To help you understand how the game works, I've collected a number of resources from Montessori homes and schools.  

This post also includes children's books about silence to help your child better understand and then apply the concept.

The Montessori Silence Game: Tips and Resources for Home

The Montessori Silence Game Tips and Resources for Home

Using the Montessori Silence Game at home is a bit different than using it at school as you have the ability to really make it your own and fit your own child's needs.

Below are my favorite resources about using the Montessori Silence Game in the home. The possibilities are endless!

Montessori Silence Game from Montessori en Casa

The Silence Game in Nature from Montessori Nature

Learn Montessori's Silence Game for Your Home or Classroom from Carrots Are Orange

Exploring our Senses Outdoors (Montessori Silence Game) from The Natural Homeschooler

The Montessori Silence Game: Tips and Resources for the Classroom

The Montessori Silence Game: Tips and Resources for the Classroom

The Montessori Silence Game is a part of the Montessori preschool curriculum. It can include a very specific set up in the classroom, but also can include variations.

Below are resources for using the Montessori Silence Game in the classroom. I love how each resource is similar yet different.

The Montessori Silence Game from Montessori Print Shop

Nurturing Quiet from To the Lesson!

Variations on the Montessori Silence Game for Developing Skills from NAMC Montessori Teacher Training Blog

The Silence Game from Montessori Primary Guide

Children's Books About Silence

Children's Books About Silence

Books about silence are fabulous ways to introduce the Montessori Silence Game and teach reflection and meditation.

Below is a list of my favorite books about silence. They really help children understand the reason behind learning how to be silent.

Silence by Lemniscates

The Sound of Silence by Katrina Goldsaito

What Does It Mean To Be Present by Rana DiOrio

Visiting Feelings by Lauren Rubenstein

Take the Time: Mindfulness for Kids by Maud Roegiers

A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Lemonade Hurricane: A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation by Licia Morelli

Charlotte and the Quiet Place by Deborah Sosin

When I Make Silence by The Parent Child Press

The Silence Game is such an important aspect of Montessori education and teaches so many valuable skills.

Learning without self-regulation is useless.

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Christmas Eve Festivities

In our home, Christmas Eve (and Christmas Day) are celebrated early to avoid PTSD triggers related to Santa for Princess, and to help the boys and Sunshine with their holiday anxieties. In our opinion it's just not worth watching them suffer, when we can do something about it.  It's our hope that when they're older, they'll be able to make it to the official date on the calendar, but if not that's okay too.

I couldn't wait to share our Christmas Eve festivities with you.  Even days later, I still look back on the day with such fondness.  It was magical.
This post contains affiliate links.

During the month of December, every day starts out with the kiddos' LEGO Christmas Countdown.  The older three love this tradition. Sunshine, too young for LEGO, enjoys her Melissa & Doug Countdown Tree.  All four kiddos were super excited to finish their countdowns on Christmas Eve Day.
After countdown business was taken care of I surprised the kiddos with their favorite sugary cereals for breakfast.  It is a BIG deal to have sugary cereal here as the kiddos usually only get to choose a box for their birthday breakfast.  To say the least, they were quite thrilled.

Opening gifts from siblings came next.  Each Christmas Eve the kiddos exchange gifts they've purchased for each other.  They also give gifts they've picked out for Jason and me.  This is something they look forward to every year as they've each gone out on a date with me Christmas shopping early in the season, and secretly met with Daddy to surprise Mommy too.

I love doing this on Christmas Eve as it helps the kiddos endure the wait until Christmas morning.  It also provides a chance for the kiddos to take the time to thank their siblings and show their excitement without being overwhelmed with so many other things going on.
Sunshine was thrilled with her gifts as they were exactly what she had wanted.
Princess was delighted by the thought and consideration her siblings put into her gifts.  They know her well!
Bulldozer couldn't wait for everyone to finish opening their gifts so he could start building his new LEGO sets.
Dinomite, who is usually the most anxious before Christmas, worrying about if he'll like his gifts or not, was quite relieved to learn that his siblings did an excellent job!

On Christmas Eve we have a tradition of giving the kiddos each an ornament. The ornaments are not just any ornaments.  They're chosen because they represent something special about the kiddos from the year. Jason and I also exchange ornaments, which is always a highlight for me.
From right to left, top to bottom, here are the ornaments from this year.

Jason received a spatula and whisk ornament to represent his takeover of the kitchen this year so I can work more, and his success in preparing two big holiday meals for extended family.

Dinomite received his third Harry Potter ornament as he's still obsessed with the series and just finished book five on his own.

Princess received a stack of books ornament as she has been my bookworm this year.  I can not keep enough books in the house to satisfy her.

Sunshine received a Princess Sofia ornament to represent her love for Disney Junior and her favorite characters.

Bulldozer received a Star Wars The Force Awakens ornament as we celebrated yet another year of Star Wars obsessions.

Renae received a laptop decorated in a Santa hat and lights to commemorate the publishing of her first book:  Holidays and PTSD: A Parent's Guide to Survival, and to represent all of the many successes she's had with blogging this year.  

After presents were unwrapped, packaging taken care of, and ornaments hung, the kiddos played and vegged out watching Christmas movies.  It's rare to capture a picture of both Sunshine and Princess together both smiling.  I'm so excited to have this picture.

For lunch we had our official Christmas Brunch.  Bulldozer requested homemade cinnamon rolls.  Dinomite asked for turkey bacon.  Princess wanted eggs. Sunshine LOVES any potato dish, so hashbrowns were an obvious choice.  The kiddos all enjoyed their meal, eating only what they liked, devouring the cinnamon rolls.
After our brunch it was time for Sunshine to nap.  When she woke up the kiddos dressed to go outside.  They love playing in the snow.  On Christmas Eve they decided to create animals out of snow.  A few snowmen where built as well.  Check out Dinomite's bird.
As customary in our home, homemade hot cocoa with marshmallows and whipped topping was served when everyone came inside.  Then it was time for some last minute baking.  Sunshine was determined to make "Santa cookies" for Santa.
She had a delightful time helping Mommy and loved her first time using the rolling pin and cookie cutters independently.  As with all things, Sunshine lost interest quite quickly and moved on, but her cookies turned out wonderfully.
When cookies were finished, the kiddos had requested homemade personal pan pizzas for dinner.  Usually they like to help make them, but on Christmas Eve they were too busy watching Christmas movies.  I must say, their pizzas turned out beautifully.
While the kiddos were eating dinner, Jason read the story of Christ's birth.  It was so fun to listen to the kiddos' questions after we finished this year, as they seemed to really understand everything more than ever before.

After dinner it was time to change into Christmas pajamas and leave out cookies and milk for Santa.  We have always been honest with our kiddos about Santa Claus, due to Princess' past trauma related to the character.  However, Sunshine is not one who follows the crowd.  She believes in Santa no matter what anyone says.

Bulldozer was much the same way, and even though he thinks he knows Santa is pretend, he questioned the idea this year.  In the end two kiddos decided to believe in Santa this year, while the other two decided to believe that Mommy and Daddy leave all of the gifts.  Can you tell who's more relaxed about the choice they made?  Lol.
I begged the kiddos for one last group picture under the tree before bed and am so glad I did.  In order to move the process along, I told them to pretend they love each other, and the picture below is what I ended up with.  I LOVE it!
All kiddos were finally asleep by 1 AM, which is pretty normal on Christmas Eve as anxieties are so high.  This year Bulldozer was the last to fall asleep and ended up in my bed.  Once the kiddos were finally asleep Jason and I finished wrapping and other responsibilities and headed to bed ourselves.

Our tree was absolutely beautiful this year, despite a few rows of lights going out a few days before our Christmas celebration.  I just love sitting on the couch looking at the tree with all of the lights out, especially on Christmas Eve when all of the presents have been placed underneath.
What a memorable and relaxing Christmas Eve Day we had! We hope yours was equally enjoyable!
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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours! We’re playing a little catch up with our letter this year as we were unable to send one out in 2015. So much has happened over the past two years!
Jason returned home from work in May of 2015. The demands of Sunshine’s special needs are such that two adults need to be present at home to keep everyone safe, happy, and healthy.

He now works full time with Renae on the blog. The two released their first book, Holidays and PTSD: A Parent’s Guide to Survival in October, available now on Amazon and here on the blog.

Renae is working hard to finish up her second book, The ABCs of Montessori and Special Needs with an expected release date of December 28, 2016. She is participating as a presenter in her first Montessori conference in early January. (Don't forget to sign up to watch!)  All of these opportunities are a result of the blog, which has now become a business.

In October of 2015 our family spent a week in Walt Disney World. The experience was full of firsts for everyone, including flights, a Walt Disney World Resort, all four Disney theme parks, and delicious dining with character experiences.

In March, Renae’s grandmother died unexpectedly, and once again our family returned to Florida, this time by car, for the funeral. We were thrilled to stay with family and friends as we traveled, some of which we hadn’t seen since before Jason and Renae were married. The kiddos also enjoyed two days at LEGOLAND in Florida, an afternoon in Williamsburg, VA, and a morning spent at the National Zoo in Washington D.C.

We had no idea the kiddos would do so well and enjoy being on the road so much. All of us are looking forward to many more travel and vacation experiences in 2017. There’s no better way to learn than through real life experiences. We’re thankful all of this is made possible as we homeschool our children and work from home or on the road.
Dinomite turns ten in January 2017. We can’t believe we’ll have a kiddo in double digits. It’s amazing how fast time flies. Dinomite’s biggest accomplishments this year have been advancing to riding a horse by himself during lessons and learning all of his swim strokes.

He is also very proud of himself for trying new foods this year. Those who know Dinomite, his autism and food issues, know this is a BIG deal for him. He is very excited to announce that he now loves steak, turkey burgers, and turkey bacon.

Dinomite continues to love all things LEGO, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. He also enjoys Star Wars.
Bulldozer turned eight at the end of August and celebrated his special day by getting baptized. It seemed like overnight he went from struggling to write his letters correctly to writing complete sentences. The same thing has happened with reading.

Bulldozer started hippotherapy and private swimming lessons this year to help with muscle tone and gross motor areas where he struggles, related to his autism. These weekly activities have been fabulous for him.

Bulldozer continues to love all things LEGO and Star Wars. He’s also developed a passion for Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Princess really struggled during 2015 with behaviors related to Reactive Attachment Disorder and PTSD episodes. It was our hardest year with her yet. Thankfully she seems to be turning things around and is doing extremely well right now.

Princess is quite the bookworm. We can never keep the house stocked with enough chapter books from the library. She enjoys reading with her new glasses, which she received this Fall.

Princess has also shown a huge interest in learning how to cook and bake this year. I can’t believe how fast she’s growing up. Can you believe she’s already seven years old?
Sunshine who just turned five in November, was diagnosed with a mood disorder earlier this year. The diagnosis has been added to her already existing list, which includes autism, Reactive Attachment Disorder, PTSD, and Mild Cranial Facial Microsomia.

To say our road has been difficult with her is an understatement. The combination of diagnoses has been the hardest thing Jason and Renae have ever dealt with. Trying to find the correct medications to manage her manic episodes and dealing with daily rages and physical aggression has been such a challenge.

When Sunshine is doing well, she loves to learn. Her favorite school subject is botany. Sunshine’s smile and excitement for life are so contagious. You can’t help but smile when you meet her and enjoy her bubbly personality. She loves to play with baby dolls and dress up clothes. Just recently we’ve learned that swimming is something that calms her.

Life can be quite crazy and chaotic at times, but we’re making sure to enjoy every happy moment we can and learn from those moments that are challenging. The kiddos are growing up so fast. We’re trying to give them every opportunity and experience we can from camping to learning the Montessori way.

We hope this letter has found you well. Our family looks forward to staying in touch and following your wonderful life adventures in 2017. Merry Christmas!

With Love,

The Eddy Family
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Santa Lucia Day Activities, Free Printables and More!

The kiddos are learning about Santa Lucia Day as part of our Christmas in Europe study.  Princess loves the idea of Santa Lucia Day.  I'm guessing this is because the day has nothing to do with Santa.

In an effort to organize activities and resources, I bring you Santa Lucia Day Activities, Free Printables and More!  

There are so many fun ideas.  

We are going to have so much fun as we expand our Santa Lucia Day Celebration!

Santa Lucia Day

Santa Lucia Day Activities, Free Printables and More!

Santa Lucia Day Activities

Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments from Just Crafty Enough

These are such adorable ornaments to make and simple enough so children can help, if not complete the entire process themselves!

St. Lucia Day from We Wilsons

This post includes an adorable wreath craft that can be used on Santa Lucia Day. The wreath can be worn or used as decor.

Make a Starboy Hat from Twilight Bridge

We don't ever want boys to feel left out on this special day. This post includes directions on how to make Starboy hats so all have something to wear!

St. Lucia Program from Nest Full of Eggs

If you're looking for simple ways to celebrate Santa Lucia Day and don't want to bake or cook, this post has some fabulous ideas! I love the crafts it includes.

If you're looking specifically for Santa Lucia Day Crafts, be sure to check out the resource below.

Santa Lucia Day Crafts for Kids

Santa Lucia Day Crafts for Kids

This post contains 10 Santa Lucia Day craft ideas that are sure to be a hit!

There is something everyone can enjoy no matter age or ability.

Free Santa Lucia Day Printables

St. Lucy with Star Boy from Scribd

This is a beautiful coloring page to download for use at home or while on the go! I love using coloring pages like this in busy bags while at church services etc.

St. Lucy's Day Coloring Pages from Super Coloring

This site includes more beautiful coloring pages for Santa Lucia Day. I love the variety to choose from!

St. Lucia's Day from Kaing Learning Fun

This site provides wonderful printables for Santa Lucia Day including a Do-a-dot page, puzzles and more!

St. Lucia Day from Willow of Wonder

If you're looking for a template to make a Santa Lucia Day wreath, you can find it here!

Celebrating Staint Lucy's Feast from The Homely Hours

This post includes a beautiful printable for Santa Lucia Day. I love how simple yet beautiful it is.

FREE Santa Lucia Day Letter Sound Clip Cards

FREE Santa Lucia Letter Sound Clip Cards from Every Star Is Different

These Santa Lucia Letter Sound Clip Cards are perfect for kids learning vocabulary related to the special holiday.

They are extremely versatile and can be used with a number of manipulatives depending on the needs of the children you're working with.

Santa Lucia Day Activities for Tots and Preschoolers with Free Printables

Santa Lucia Day Activities for Tots and Preschoolers with Free Printables

These activities and printables are perfect for little ones learning about Santa Lucia's Day. 

Many of the printables come from our Santa Lucia's Day Printable Pack, but there are also freebies available in the post as well.

Montessori-inspired Santa Lucia Day Activities for Elementary Learners with Free Printables

Santa Lucia Day Activities for Elementary Learners with Free Printable

For those who are looking for activities and printables beyond the toddler and preschool phase, be sure to check out our Santa Lucia Day Activities for Elementary Learners with Free Printables.

Many of the printables in the activities are from our Santa Lucia Day Printable Pack, but there are also free resources available with in the post. 

Santa Lucia Day Books

Lucia Morning in Sweden by Ewa Rydaker

This is my favorite Santa Lucia Day book as it lays out the entire celebration so well. I love how it portrays all of the different members of the family.

Lucia: Saint of Light by Katherine Bolger Hyde

The illustrations in this book are absolutely stunning. I also love the historical accuracy that the book depicts.

Hanna's Christmas by Melissa Peterson

This book is such a treasure if you can find it! It does such a fabulous job of depicting Santa Lucia Day traditions.

Santa Lucia Day Recipes

How to Make Safron Buns for St. Lucia Day from Catholic Icing

I love the tips that are given in this recipe that I never would have thought of. I also love how sugar crystals are used to top the buns.

Santa Lucia Crown for the Feast of St. Lucia from One Perfect Bite

Buns are not the only bread made for Santa Lucia Day. I absolutely love this beautiful crown bread braided and looking magnificent lit with candles. It's so simple yet looks absolutely delicious.

Saint Lucia's Braided Bread from Key Ingredient

If kids aren't convinced the crown bread above is for Santa Lucia Day, then they're surely accept this one. I love how it includes a glaze and cranberries.

Santa Lucia Day Traditions

Rhythm in Our Home: Santa Lucia from Frontier Dreams

This post describes such a simple and beautiful celebration for young children. I love that this family even included the baby.

Celebrating St. Lucy's Feast Day with Kids from Catholic Icing

There are so many fabulous ideas in this post that will work for the home or school! No matter what you're looking for, you'll find it here!

Santa Lucia Day: How We Celebrate

Santa Lucia Day: How We Celebrate

Last, but definitely not least, you can see how we celebrate Santa Lucia Day in this post. It includes all of the details about clothing, food, activities and more! 

For those who are looking for more holiday activities and printables, be sure to click the link below to subscribe to our free newsletter.

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Santa Lucia Day

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