I am so excited to share our Montessori-inspired Math Activities Using Bead Bars with Free Printables.
These printables are designed to be used with Montessori Math Bead Bars but can be used without them if necessary.
One of my favorite Montessori materials are the math bead bars that represent numbers one through ten.
These beads can be used to create numbers one through one hundred and beyond.
They are the perfect control when working with numbers.
Their beautiful colors help solidify number concepts in ways other manipulatives do not.
I first introduced Montessori Beads
to the kiddos two years ago.
It was a complete failure.
This summer I tried again.
The kiddos went nuts over them and LOVE them. FINALLY!
Bulldozer enjoys them the most and uses them on a daily basis.
Dinomite is still a little hesitant, but mostly because he doesn't know the number and color correlation.
Princess enjoys using them while practicing her skip counting, and has started using them while completing addition and subtraction activities.
Now that the beads are welcomed on our shelves, I thought it would be great to give the kiddos an official introduction to the beads.
The activities are simple, but by the end of the week, I'm certain Dinomite will know his number and color correlation.
The first activity in this post will be on Sunshine's preschool activity shelves as well!
Montessori-inspired Math Activities Using Bead Bars with FREE Printables
My Number Book
The kiddos will use the control cards provided as well as bead bars to color and write on each page of their book.
I'm excited to use this activity as an opportunity to review how to spell numbers with the older kiddos.
It's my hope that Sunshine will enjoy her own book, and that it will help her continue to learn her numbers while introducing her to the Montessori bead bar colors.
Source: I
created the printable for this activity. Montessori Math Bead Bar Activity Printable Pack 1 is a free printable.
For your copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
Number Identification with Montessori Math Bead Bars
This is yet another activity to reinforce the number and color correlation of the bead bars.
The kiddos will use a glass bead to mark the correct answer on each card.
When I first introduced this activity, I printed out cards that required the kiddos to color the bead bars, before marking their answers.
This version of the card is available in the printable.
Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of my Montessori-inspired Math Bead Bar Activity Printable Pack 1. This is a free printable. For your copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Teen Numbers with Montessori Math Bead Bars
Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that Bulldozer was struggling when attempting to create teen numbers with the bead bars.
Since we do not yet have a Teens Board, I created this activity hoping that it would do the trick. Sure enough, it has!
The kiddos match up bead cards with number cards, demonstrating their skills using the real Montessori beads.
You will need Montessori Bead Bars for Teen Board when doing this activity.
Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of my Montessori-inspired Math Bead Bar Activity Printable Pack 1. This is a free printable. For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
Addition Using Montessori Math Bead Bars
It's been a while since we had an addition activity on our shelves.
Instead of using other manipulatives, we're using bead bars this week.
The problems on the cards are even printed using bead bars.
Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of my Montessori-inspired Math Bead Bar Printable Pack 1. This is a free printable. For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
Skip Counting By 4 Using Montessori Bead Bars
Last week we worked on skip counting by 3's.
This week we're moving on to 4's.
The kiddos are finally starting to get the hang of it. I'm super excited!
In this activity the kiddos line up the bead bars, skip counting by 4's as they go, using the markers provided.
Source: I created the free printable for this activity. The Numeration and Concepts of Numbers Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. For your free copy, click on the lin at the bottom of this post.
Addition Snake Game
I'm a wee bit nervous about this last activity, as I've never done before now.
However, I feel the kiddos are finally ready for it. This week I'll be introducing the Montessori Addition Snake Game
If you're not familiar with how to play the "game," Youtube offers many video tutorials.
I've watched many of the videos myself and will probably watch another tomorrow before I introduce this to the kiddos during our gathering time.
For many children, math can be very intimidating when presented in textbooks or worksheets.
For those with sensory issues or neurological problems, math is completely overwhelming.
Montessori knew that for these children, it isn't the math concept that is hard to grasp, it is the presentation that inhibits the child's ability to practice and master the concept.
The development of the bead bars and other math materials has transformed the way that young children learn math, regardless of sensory or developmental issues.
Naturally, many children can learn math from worksheets just as easily as with bead bars.
But, for those who lack the attention span and literacy skills to work problems on paper, like our Bulldozer, the bead bars are a perfect.
I hope you can take the opportunity to experience this magical process with your own learners.
For more fabulous Montessori-inspired Math ideas, activities, & printables be sure to check out other posts in the 12 Months of Montessori Learning Series!
Don't forget your free printables! Follow the directions below.
Directions on How to Obtain Subscriber Only Freebies
1. Click on the Subscriber's link at the bottom of this post.
2. Subscribe to our free newsletter.
3. Open the thank you message you receive in your e-mail, after subscribing. (Be sure to check your spam folder, as sometimes it ends up there.)
4. Click the confirmation link in the thank you message.
5. Once the confirmation is complete, you will receive another e-mail message with the Subscriber Only Freebies.
6. Click on link.
7. Find the printable pack you are looking for listed in alphabetical order, click on it, and voila!
We hope you enjoy your free printable.
Note: If you are already a newsletter subscriber, open your most recent newsletter. At the bottom you will find a link to the Subscriber Only Freebies page, along with the password in case you forgot it.
I LOVE these printables! :) I hope one day my Little Bee will love doing Montessori math. He is really young still and not interested yet in using the materials. So we are having fun counting on our fingers and counting objects. :) One day, I look forward to using the bead materials!
ReplyDeleteWe love our bead bars too! I can't wait to get to the next part, Montessori Math is so much fun! I love the printables you created.
ReplyDeleteOh! How cool! Thank you for the great ideas and the free printables! ;D
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs always, amazing printables! I may just have to put some out to entice Hen!
ReplyDeleteThe printables are fantastic. Thank you! I love the way you present the skip counting.
ReplyDeleteWe have beer bars we made, but I have been at a loss on extensions. This is perfect timing!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I found this! Many of my 4s in my Primary room are itching for more to do but but not quite ready to move on from bead work. How fabulous of you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic Renae! Will keep this in mind for Vito :) I always love your presentation, so clear and spot-on. Thanks for sharing your activities!
ReplyDeleteThank you for linking up at the "Learn & Play" Thursday link party! You have been featured on the CMN blog! :)
ReplyDeleteAlways an inspiration here! We are happy to feature your post at the Learn & Play Link up on Christian Montessori Network. Thank you so much for joining the party!
ReplyDeleteI had not seen this beads before. What a great activity and printables you made to go with them. Thank you for linkup at #made4kids! Look forward to seeing you again this Sunday starting at 10pim EST.
ReplyDeleteLove all your cute Kindergarten work! Makes me want to start teaching Kindergarten again!Take care
ReplyDeletekids Kindergarten
Do you have a similar printable for 1-10 as you do for your teen numbers? I would love that printable. or could you point me in the direction of one similar?
ReplyDeleteYes I do! It's in our amazing Montessori Math Bead Bar Printable Pack Bundle with several other amazing printables. You can find it here. http://www.everystarisdifferent.com/p/montessori-math-bead-bar-printable-pack_11.html
DeleteNice, thank you so much for sharing about these maths activities with us. This will be helpful for the Montessori teachers to teach their children by these amazing activities.
ReplyDeleteMontessori Bead Chains of 100