The Christmas season is here and all our activities reflect that!
There's no better way to keep kiddos learning during the holiday season, than to bring the
excitement of Christmas to them.
Our Christmas unit with free printables does just that!
All of their favorite aspects of the holiday are included in one activity or more.
Let's take a look at the Christmas activities on our shelves!
Christmas Unit with Free Printables
Christmas Synonyms
Christmas provides great opportunities to learn new vocabulary and synonyms.
Kiddos will match synonym cards using the pictures as a control.
They have really enjoyed this activity and have even attempted to use new words in conversation outside of the classroom.
Source: Jason and I created the printable for this activity as part of our Christmas Unit Printable Pack 1. This is a subscriber's only freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Christmas Picture and Sentence Match Up with Grammar Analysis
I love that all three older kiddos can now read. Creating activities like this are so much more fun.
The kiddos will match pictures and sentences, using the control strips provided if necessary.
Once sentences are matched, the kiddos will analyze sentences and place the correct
grammar symbols over each word.
Source: Jason and I created the printable for this activity as part of our Christmas Unit Printable Pack 1. This is a subscriber's only freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Decorating the Tree Using Prepositions
This year I've added a twist to the activity.
They'll be reviewing preposition words using the instruction cards provided.
I've also added a strand of mini lights to the activity which adds a little fine motor challenge for the kiddos.
Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of our Christmas Unit Printable Pack 1. This is a subscriber's only freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Christmas Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
This Christmas themed word problem activity is fabulous for reviewing addition and subtraction facts. It's also helping the kiddos remember key words for addition and subtraction word problems.
The kiddos read each problem and mark the answer using the
red and
green glass beads provided.
Source: Jason and I created the printable for this activity as part of our Christmas Unit Math Printable Pack 1. This is a subscriber's only freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Skip Counting Christmas Stamp Activity
The kiddos now know how to skip count by numbers through ten. This activity is to help them review all they've learned.
They will select a
stamp and
ink pad and skip count by a number of their choice. Once finished, they will select a second stamp and the other ink pad, skip counting by another number.
They love finding patterns as they go along. I enjoy listening to them sing the skip counting songs we've learned as they complete their work.
Source: The free printable for this activity can be found at
The Pinay Homeschooler.
Stocking Stuffer Division
The kiddos are doing fabulous with addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but are still struggling a little bit with division.
For this activity they will divide
gifts among
stockings provided to find the answer to each problem listed on the clip cards provided.
At first we were putting gifts inside the stockings, but realized that ribbons were falling off, so instead we've been putting the gifts on top of each stocking.
Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of our Christmas Unit Math Printable Pack 1. This is a subscriber's only freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Christmas Sink or Float Experiment
We've done many sink or float experiments in the past, but this one is Christmas themed and has a prediction sheet to go along with the activity.
Now that the kiddos are all writing, I'm trying to incorporate as much writing into activities as possible.
I'm also trying to teach the kiddos about the process of science experiments and how we record them.
The kiddos will fill out the form writing in object names and predicting whether objects will sink or float. They will then begin the experiment and record results as they go along.
For this activity we used small Christmas objects we had at home.
Source: The free printable for this activity can be found at
The Measured Mom.
Candy Cane Experiment
Through this experiment the kiddos will learn what happens to
candy canes in
vinegar, cool water, and warm water.
They will record their predictions and results using the printables provided.
As this activity remains on our shelves, they will also test out results using other liquids we have around the house.
Christmas STEM Challenge
I must confess, my kiddos have never done a STEM challenge before. For those who don't know STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The experience has been quite interesting.
The first day they attempted a challenge Dinomite melted down for about 20 minutes because he couldn't figure out how to make things work.
Princess tried copying the ideas of others and then ended up melting down for 30 minutes because she couldn't get anything to work right.
Bulldozer went right to town. When one of his plans wouldn't work, he had a plan B. He did amazingly well.
Dinomite eventually calmed down when I told him he could create anything he'd like, rather than the task he had selected.
Princess had a hard time calming down, until she decided she was going to draft out a plan with steps as to how she could succeed the next day.
I still can't figure out if we need to do more STEM activities in our classroom, or if I should avoid them, because of the turmoil this one created, but I'd like think the process is worth it as it's teaching the kiddos problem solving skills.
And Bulldozer is in heaven.
He has always been my little engineer.
Instead of making one Christmas tree, he makes a forest.
The object of this activity is to use any or all of the materials provided to complete a task card selected.
Each kiddo selects a different task card each day. Items used to complete tasks were Christmas items we had at home.
Source: The idea for this activity came from
STEM Activities for Kids. I created the printable for this activity as part of my Christmas Unit Science Printable Pack 1. This printable is a subscriber's only freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Christmas Magnetic Sensory Bin
Sensory bins are crucial to our classroom during the holiday season as they help to keep senses regulated and reduce anxieties. This sensory bin is particularly fun because magnets are involved! The boys can't get enough of it!
Source: The idea for this sensory bin came from
Little Bins for Little Hands. You can find details and directions there.
Creating Christmas activities and free printable for kids is so much fun for us.
I know I've said it before, but it's amazing what a unifying theme them can do to help motivate kiddos to learn.
We find that the Christmas season is particularly stressful and anxiety ridden for the kiddos as they're preparing for the big day.
Christmas activities tend to help them relax a bit and enjoy the moment.
For those who are interested in more holiday activities and printables, be sure to follow the directions below.
Directions on How to Obtain Subscriber Only Freebies
1. Click on the Subscriber's link at the bottom of this post.
2. Subscribe to our free newsletter.
3. Open the thank you message you receive in your e-mail, after subscribing. (Be sure to check your spam folder, as sometimes it ends up there.)
4. Click the confirmation link in the thank you message.
5. Once the confirmation is complete, you will receive another e-mail message with the Subscriber Only Freebies.
6. Click on the link.
7. Select the Minimalism, Montessori, or Mental Health Printables Library.
8. Find the printable pack you are looking for listed in alphabetical order, click on it, and voila!
We hope you enjoy your free printable.
Note: If you are already a newsletter subscriber, open your most recent newsletter. At the bottom you will find a link to the Free Printables Library.
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