Free Printables

Kids Learning Printables Linky Party #12

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Welcome to the Kids Learning Printables Linky Party #12

Co-host:   Montessori Nature

My apologies for being late with this post this week.  The kiddos and I were away for the weekend.  I can't miss the opportunity to feature some fabulous printables though, so I'm doing this today.  There will only be three features, due to the low number of link ups.  This makes me quite sad, because I know there are many out there who are making fabulous printables, I'd love to share with others.  Hopefully more will link up this week!

1. Plant a Pocket of Prairie printables from Wise Owl Factory

2.  I Love My White Shoes Tot Pack from Memorizing the Moments

Here's how this works!

1.  Link up to 3 educational printables for kiddos.  Free, paid, and giveaway printables are welcome.
2.  Add our Kids Learning Printables Linky Party Button to your post or blog.
3.  Support your fellow educators by commenting, pinning, and/or sharing the post published before yours.
4.  If you're not already doing so, follow me on FacebookPinterest, Twitter, and/or through my blog.
5.  You give me permission to use and repost images from your blog.

1.  Visit all posts.
2.  Share and pin as many links as possible throughout the week.
2.  Feature my favorite posts in next week's link up.
3.  Get to know you, your blog, and your printables for future use.

Let's get this party started!
Every Star Is Different

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